Awakened Sinner

intuitive - reader - mentor

Guide with wisdom, empower with compassion.


  • Tarot is a deck of cards used for divination and spiritual guidance. It consists of 78 cards divided into the Major Arcana (symbolic of major life themes) and Minor Arcana (reflecting everyday experiences). During readings, cards are drawn and interpreted to gain insights into past, present, or future events, providing guidance and facilitating self-reflection and personal growth. Tarot readings can offer perspectives on life's challenges, decisions, and opportunities, utilizing symbolism and intuitive interpretation by the reader.

  • A holistic mentor is someone who provides guidance and support to individuals in various aspects of their lives, taking into account their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Rather than focusing solely on one aspect, such as career or personal development, a holistic mentor considers the interconnectedness of different areas of life and how they influence each other.

    This type of mentorship often involves helping individuals set goals, develop self-awareness, and cultivate a balanced lifestyle. Holistic mentors may draw from a variety of disciplines, including psychology, spirituality, health and wellness, and personal development, to provide comprehensive support to their mentees. They aim to help individuals achieve a sense of fulfillment and harmony in all areas of their lives.

  • Holistic mentors who use tarot cards typically do so as a tool for self-reflection, insight, and guidance. Tarot cards are a deck of cards with symbolic imagery and meanings, often used for divination or personal introspection. Here's how holistic mentors might use tarot cards to help individuals:

    Self-Reflection: Tarot cards can serve as a mirror, reflecting the inner thoughts, feelings, and subconscious patterns of the individual. The mentor may encourage the mentee to choose cards that resonate with their current situation or question, prompting them to explore their own feelings and perceptions more deeply.

    Guidance and Insight: Each tarot card has its own symbolism and interpretation. Holistic mentors can interpret the cards' meanings to provide insights and guidance on the mentee's current challenges, opportunities, or decision-making processes. This can help the mentee gain clarity and perspective on their situation.

    Exploring Patterns and Themes: By examining multiple tarot cards together, mentors can help mentees identify recurring patterns or themes in their lives. This can shed light on underlying issues or recurring obstacles that the mentee may need to address in order to move forward.

    Empowerment: Tarot readings can empower individuals by helping them recognize their own agency and potential. Rather than predicting a fixed future, tarot cards can encourage individuals to take ownership of their choices and actions, empowering them to create the future they desire.

    Spiritual and Intuitive Development: For individuals interested in spirituality or intuitive development, tarot cards can be a tool for connecting with their inner wisdom or higher guidance. Holistic mentors can support mentees in developing their intuition and trusting their inner guidance through tarot readings.

    It's important to note that while tarot readings can be insightful and empowering, they will always be offered as a supportive tool rather than a definitive prediction of the future.

  • Becoming a holistic mentor's mentee can offer numerous benefits and opportunities for personal growth. Here are several compelling reasons why you might consider becoming a mentee:

    Comprehensive Support: Holistic mentors consider all aspects of your life, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By working with a holistic mentor, you'll receive comprehensive support tailored to your individual needs and goals.

    Balanced Approach: Holistic mentors help you cultivate balance and harmony in all areas of your life. Rather than focusing solely on one aspect, such as career or relationships, they take a holistic approach that addresses the interconnectedness of different aspects of your life.

    Goal Setting and Accountability: A holistic mentor can help you set meaningful goals and create a plan to achieve them. They provide accountability and support to help you stay on track and make progress toward your goals.

    Self-Discovery: Through introspective exercises, discussions, and exploration, a holistic mentor can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your values, and your purpose. They can support you in uncovering hidden strengths, overcoming limiting beliefs, and tapping into your potential.

    Tools and Techniques: Holistic mentors offer a variety of tools and techniques to support your personal growth journey. This may include mindfulness practices, visualization exercises, journaling prompts, and more, tailored to your unique needs and preferences.

    Empowerment: Working with a holistic mentor can empower you to take ownership of your life and make positive changes. They provide guidance and encouragement, but ultimately empower you to make your own choices and create the life you desire.

    Supportive Relationship: A holistic mentor serves as a supportive ally on your journey toward personal growth and fulfillment. They provide a safe and non-judgmental space for you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations, free from external pressure or expectations.

    Holistic Approach to Wellness: If you're seeking to improve your overall well-being, a holistic mentor can offer guidance on nutrition, exercise, stress management, and other aspects of health and wellness. They help you cultivate a holistic approach to wellness that supports your physical, mental, and emotional health.

    Overall, working with a holistic mentor can be a transformative experience that helps you unlock your full potential, overcome obstacles, and create a life that aligns with your values and aspirations.

About me


My name is Crystal and I am the owner and intuitive of Awakened Sinner. I am 30 years young and have a passion for helping and guiding others. I have always had an interest in everything spirit world and everything personal growth & development. I’ve always been curious about the “unknown” and how to work with the mind.

After many studies and learned lessons, I have been working hard to grow and share my abilities with the world. My goal is to enlighten and guide as many souls as I can while I am here. My personality is very laid back. I do not like to rush or be distracted so please make sure you are in a nice, quiet place and have sufficient time when booking with me.

If you have any additional questions please feel free to use our contact form below.

All bookings are non-refundable.


awakened sinner ebook

awakened sinner ebook

"Mindset eBooks: Transform your thinking, empower your life. Dive into these compact guides packed with powerful strategies to shift your mindset, overcome obstacles, and achieve success. Explore practical exercises, inspiring anecdotes, and proven techniques to unlock your full potential and cultivate a mindset for growth and resilience."

  • Reading

    Unlock insights & embrace clarity with a reading.

  • Manifesting

    Light up your intentions with a manifestation candle.

  • Mentoring

    Navigate your goals with a mentoring session.


Mediumship is the practice where individuals, known as mediums, communicate with spirits of the deceased. Mediums act as conduits between the living and the spirit world, relaying messages, guidance, or insights from departed loved ones or other entities. This communication can occur through various psychic abilities such as clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), or clairsentience (feeling). Mediumship aims to provide comfort, closure, or validation to those seeking connection with the spiritual realm, offering insights into personal or collective experiences beyond the physical plane. It's a practice rooted in spiritual beliefs and often approached with reverence and ethical considerations.

I am currently ONLY offering mediumship sessions on TikTok live as I am still a developing medium. Please feel free to join my live sessions Tues-Friday 10pm est.

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"Welcome to my Merch Shop! Dive into a world of creativity and inspiration where each item tells a unique story. From stylish apparel to trendy accessories, our collection is designed to reflect your personality and passion. Join the community and express yourself with our exclusive merchandise. Let's elevate your style and spread positive vibes together!"



  • Tarot reading is subject to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute. A tarot reading is never 100% accurate. All tarot readings given by Awakened sinner are for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading. A tarot reading does not replace professional, medical or legal help. It will not force you to follow a particular course of action, or attempt to exert any form of control over your free-will and common sense. The contents of a tarot reading are not legally binding. Any decisions made, or actions taken by you as a result of your tarot reading are your sole responsibility and have not been forced upon you, by Awakened sinner, your tarot reader. Awakened sinner entertainment llc assumes no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of any client decisions, subsequent to, or based on, tarot readings. Please use your own common sense and judgment at all times. It is only with the complete understanding and acceptance of the above that your reading will take place.

  • Awakened sinner will not be held liable if the future depicted in the tarot card reading has not come to pass, or if it has. The future is ever changing, a single action can shift everything that could occur and so readings are only a glimpse at a current future that could change at any moment; because of this any number of futures exist, Awakened sinner cannot and will not be held accountable if the one depicted did not come to pass.

  • All information exchanged between the client and Awakened sinner during readings and/or emails shall remain confidential. No personal information shall be passed on to anyone, including third parties.